Virtual Skin Coaching Sessions
This in-depth virtual consultation is geared to new clients ready and committed to taking your skin care to the next level. While facials and skin care treatments are important, following a skin care regimen at home will produce the best results for ongoing success. This session is aimed at getting you started with the professional education and guidance from your coach, specifically designed for your personal and unique skin care needs.
During your Virtual Coaching Session, you will:
Receive an in-depth one-on-one personal evaluation from me, your skin care coach.
Have the chance to ask questions about your specific concerns.
Receive a Treatment Plan designed just for you and your skin.
Learn about the products that are right for you.
Have the opportunity to schedule an in-person treatment, specifically for the needs that were addressed during your consultation. See all the services I provide here.
45 min $150, $75 applied to retail purchase
Email skintherapycenterllc@gmail.com or text 301.520.6319 to request an appointment.